Alternative Easter Sunday: When shy rabbits and the resurrection meet

In this alternative, environmentally-themed Easter reflection, the Revd David Coleman, EcoChaplain for EcoCongregation Scotland, draws parallels between the shyness of rabbits at sunrise and the apprehension of the women who approached the empty tomb.

He suggests that this parallel offers a profound reconciliation with the Easter story and its interpretation in wider society.

David’s , where he has been close to various creatures, leads to the realisation that a gentle setting doesn’t diminish the urgency for hope and change that Easter brings.

By referencing the Great Commission in Mark 16:1-15, where Jesus tasked his disciples with spreading the Good News to every creature, Coleman emphasises the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of environmental stewardship within the Easter narrative. This alternative reflection intertwines themes of renewal, reconciliation, and responsibility towards the natural world, offering a fresh perspective on the Easter story.

David explains further in this video:

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